Radio8ball Hosted By Andras Jones

Sylvia Black (Season Three-The Appening-015-June 15, 2020)



SYLVIA BLACK was chosen to be a guest on this show by a dream and a synchronicity when IRA MARLOWE was unable to attend. Her Pop Oracle session with host ANDRAS JONES was full of laughter and insight with discussions about philosophy, Andy Dick and space travel. Musically it's a very Jones-y show that features a sneak peek of a new track from the upcoming album by LYDIA LUNCH and SYLVIA BLACK. To hear ANDRAS's question please join the Patreon campaign. $1 a month gets you the bonus episodes:  Featuring: The Radio8Ball Theme Song performed by SYLVIA BLACK The Pop Oracle Song of The Day for June 15, 2020: "Absolutely No Sense of Humor" by ANDRAS JONES Owls at Dawn, Episode 92: "The Zizek v. Peterson Debate Pt. 1" – Featured Music: "Schlitz" by IRA MARLOWE "Message For The Moon" by MR. JONES & THE PREVIOUS "Dev