Daily Devotionals

474. Protecting My Peace - Day 59



Do you know your power to be all you can be? If so, good. If not, not so good. Yet, here's the thing: God says you are fearfully and wonderfully made and that you should know that full well (Psalm 139:14). Do you know what that means? It means that you don't have to concern yourself with any person, place, or thing that may come for you for doing the great things God told you to do. Don't concern yourself with adverse or negative things like that. They are truly a waste of time and energy to focus on. Why? Because, "mediocrity attacks excellence" (Michael Beckwith). Another way of saying that is, people who feel inferior will try to make you think you think you're better than everyone else simply because you want something better for your life. Don't believe that, because God says the opposite. So keep it vertical (looking towards the Lord God) and keep going forward.  In Sharon's Heart Website In Sharon's Heart YouTube Channel In Sharon's Heart Instagram In Sharon's Heart LinkedIn