Tipping Point Nutrition Podcast

Episode #30 - Guest Interview, Survivor Colleen Kelly Aleksander



In the fall of 2011 Colleen Kelly Aleksander, a cyclist and lifelong athlete, was cycling home from work when she was run over by a multi-ton freight/transport truck. Flat lining twice, Colleen sustained horrifying injuries and suddenly found herself faced with the fight of her life. The definition of determination and resilience; Colleen not only defied all odds by surviving, but has since gone on to complete over 50 races and 40 triathlons despite the trauma. In episode #30, Joanne chats with Colleen touching on: What it's like to be in a medically induced coma for over 5 weeks. How she pushed through the 30+ surgeries, medical procedures and many set backs that followed the trauma. The importance of nutrition + how her physical condition and history as an athlete helped her body to heal. What it means to be a 'product of heroes.' Why she felt the need to organize a fundraiser from her hospital bed and how her drive to compete helped in her recovery. The role her husband Sean played in not only supporting,