Tipping Point Nutrition Podcast

Episode #44 - Joanne & Krishn (chatting Glyphosate, Canada Food Guide, why to delay baths for newborns, hospital food + more!)



In episode #44, Joanne and Krishn are catching up on recent health news including: Health Canada's decision to uphold approval of glyphosate (despite revelations of the Monsanto Papers.) How Cleveland Hospitals found delaying baths for newborns significantly increases breast feeding rates. The recent update to the Canada Food Guide. Why some hospitals are revamping hospital food and medical schools are incorporating cooking lessons into the curriculum. + More! Resources mentioned throughout show: Health Canada Upholds Decision to Keep Glyphosate Products On the Market Tipping Point Nutrition Glyphosate Post Friends of the Earth Canada - Presse Conference Details Discussing Monsanto Papers Canada Food Guide Changes Breastfeeding Rates Rise if Newborns Bath Delayed How Bringing Room Service to Hospitals Can Help Patients Heal