Daily Devotionals

453. Protecting My Peace - Day 38



This is day three of the series within the series where we're talking about the Faith Model or aka the ABG Model. It's a model I have been using for years to climb to level to level. Although I'm far off from where I want to be, I've come a mighty long way by using this model. The model is: A-Affirmations, B-Belief, and G-Grind. Each one is important in climbing to the new and exciting levels the Lord God has for us. It's crucial to have all three. We can't level-up with just one or two. It's a continuous process of all three that repeats itself. Now, let's talk about Grind. Are you grinding? Are you showing up? Are you working? James 2:17 says faith without works in dead, so we have to show up and "show out" for ourselves if we're going to achieve the goals we want in our lives. When we have all three, we're on to something amazing, yet the glorious process continues on and that's perfectly fine.  In Sharon's Heart Website In Sharon's Heart YouTube Channel In Sharon's Heart Instagram