Christ Church Bartlett

From the Beginning and Forevermore: Emmanuel, God With Us



From the Beginning and Forevermore: Emmanuel God with Us I. From the very beginning God declared it was not good for man to be alone. (Genesis 2:18) II. In the fullness of time, God became a man to save mankind from sin and death. (Galatians 4:4-6) III. Jesus promised all his disciples that we would never walk through life alone. (Matthew 28:20) IV. Jesus promised to give us His Spirit to dwell within us. (John 16:4-7) V. Jesus promised to return in the future to ultimately rescue his people and reign as King of kings. (John 14:1-6) VI. Jesus promised that we would enjoy 1,000 years with Him in His coming kingdom. (Matthew 19:28-29) VII. Jesus promised that He will create a new heaven and a new earth and that He will dwell with us forevermore. (Rev 21:1-4) As We Go … Remember the promise of Emmanuel - God with us - and rest in the reality of His presence both now and forevermore.