Christ Church Bartlett

Ten Characteristics of a Kingdom Citizen



Ten Characteristics of a Kingdom Citizen — Acts 20:17-26 1. People of integrity (Acts 20:18) 2. People with newfound liberty (Acts 20:19) 3. People of humility (Acts 20:19) 4. People of empathy (Acts 20:19) 5. People marked by the enemy (Acts 20:19) 6. People unashamed to bear witness courageously (Acts 20:20-21) 7. People who walk obediently (Acts 20:22-23) 8. People who sacrifice selflessly (Acts 20:24) 9. People who live purposefully (Acts 20:25) 10. People who leave behind a lasting legacy (Acts 20:26) As We Go … How do you want to be remembered? What changes must you begin making today that will help you become that person God made you to be?