Christ Church Bartlett

Six Biblical Standards of Spiritual Leaders



Six Biblical Standards of Spiritual Leaders Acts 20:26-31 Standard #1 — An elder is called to possess a clear conscience, as one who must stand before God to give an account. (Acts 20:26) Standard #2 — An elder is called to preach and teach the whole counsel of God’s word without exception. (Acts 20:27) Standard #3 — An elder is called first to keep a close watch over his own soul. (Acts 20:28) Standard #4 — An elder is called to exercise personal oversight in the church. (Acts 20:28) Standard #5 — An elder is called to shepherd the flock. (Acts 20:28) Standard #6 — An elder is called to contend for the essential doctrines of the faith. (Acts 20:29-30) Your Response — Every congregation is called to submit to, pray for, and hold your elders accountable to God’s standards. (Acts 20:31) As We Go … May we all turn to and trust in Jesus Christ, the Head of the body and Chief Shepherd of God’s church, fully submitting to His leadership, as the One to whom we must give an account.