Hammer And Nails Podcast

070 Pet Revenge



Skip is making good progress in the renovation… he’s got the door back in the house and they can finally let the pets roam, which leads to a conversation about pet revenge.  Have you ever lived in a moldy apartment?  Alison watched 50 Shades of Grey, and gives a brief review, and how it coincides with their relationship.  They talk about some current events, including a cat torturer, the NYC Captain who abandoned shot officers, Ashley Graham, the current Sports Illustrated cover model and tiny houses given to the homeless.  Speaking of homeless, Alison tried to give away clothes to the homeless… find out why it was impossible.  Skip answers listener questions from contractors, and talks about bad customers.  Don’t forget Skip will be at the Nassau County Home show on April 9th at Hofstra University. Check out HammerAndNailsPodcast.com to listen to the podcast and also see the summaries and links!