One Bourbon, One Chard, Or One Beer Podcast

Lil' Tweener No. 5



In this week's later-than-usual "Lil' Tweener" (which is explained in the episode), Stub chats about episodic television, "Live From Home" TV productions, and a couple of artists (Max Stalling & Aubrey Lynn) he's been binge-listening to the last couple of weeks. Remember—One Bourbon, One Chard, or One Beer is a drinking game you can play along with at home. Full details and rules available at If you find yourself liking, singing along to, or playing along with One Bourbon, One Chard, or One Beer, please Please PLEASE rate and review us on iTunes, Stitcher, Soundcloud, or wherever you found our podcast. It helps other lushes like you find our podcast and to build our community. If you rate and review us and we ever meet you, we'll buy you one bourbon, one chard, or one beer (our choice). Also, please support the show by donating to our Patreon page: