Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

The Missing Puzzle Piece for Clearing Confusion About the Afterlife



Afterlife TV Bite-Sized Episode: Here’s a short episode that only a small number of wonderful die-hard Afterlife TV fans have seen. Yet the content of this video contains my epiphany about a single, missing puzzle piece regarding life after death that might just complete the afterlife puzzle for you. This epiphany didn’t just blow my mind, so many other authors and experts in this field have called or emailed to thank me for setting this straight for them as well. This clears up several common misconceptions and confusions about life after death, so many that it's sure to have neurons firing in your brain as it solves a few afterlife mysteries and gives order to what once felt like chaos. This video also answers the single most common question people have asked me about reincarnation: "What happens if my loved one in spirit reincarnates before I die?" Hard to believe I was five years younger when I created this video. My goodness, where did the time go? Enjoy this bite-sized video. With mad wicked love, B