Radio Depaul Sports Podcast

The Last Dance After Party: Ep 3



Nick Canzoneri and Abbas Dahodwala are joined by Natalie Burjek and Rudy Hodgson to recap episodes 5 and 6 of ESPN's Last Dance documentary. The crew discuss some of the overarching themes we have seen so far, the continued hate for Jerry Krause, the long awaited talk of Jordan's gambling habits and the appearance of Jerry Seinfeld. Rudy will not be receiving an invite again. 1:20 - Favorite moments of the two episodes  9:00 - Jordan's competitiveness  11:40 - 1998 Allstar game + Kobe interviews  17:20 - Jerry Krause talk 22:20 - Canz's rant about Jerry Krause 27:30 - What we are expecting from the last 4 episodes 33:20 - Closing "Music: Game Show Theme Tune. Created by FoolBoyMedia, via Creative Commons License:"