Radio8ball Hosted By Andras Jones

Gabriel Gordon (Season Three-The Appening-006-April 15, 2020)



GABRIEL GORDON has appeared on Radio8Ball several times and his song "Paper Airplane" was the answer on last week's episode with ANNA HILLBURG. Gabriel and his partner CECILIE BECK have a new project called GATE 2 VENUS. They joined this Pop Oracle session with ANDRAS JONES from self-quarantine in Berlin, Germany to discuss last week's question and ask his own question to The Pop Oracle. Featuring: “The Radio8Ball Theme Song” performed by GABRIEL GORDON MATT BROUSSEAU of PROFILES IN ECCENTRICITY and his Pop Oracle reading from February 22, 2019: The Pop Oracle Song of The Day for April 15, 2020: “Blanket Fort” by ONYX OF OLYMPIA This episode’s answer: “PEOPLE'S PARTIES” by JONI MITCHELL Performed by KP & JOHNNY HAWTHORN To hear the full episode when this song was originally recorded as the answer to a question from STEVE GRE