Psych Bytes

Life Moving Too Fast? Here Are 5 Tips to Slow Down Time!



“I can’t believe it is already mid-July.” “[Insert name of child] has gotten so big! How did that happen? When did that happen??” “Today flew by. I feel like I got nothing done. Why does life go so fast?” “I wrote down 2016 instead of 2017 on a document at work today.” “Was college really [amount of years since your graduation] ago?! I don’t believe it.” “Every time I get on Facebook there is a new engagement, wedding, or baby on my feed. When did my friends start growing up?” Is Your Life Moving Too Fast? Have you caught yourself saying or thinking some of these statements in the past 2 weeks? Well, don’t worry because you are not alone. The older I have become the faster I realized that each day and week will go by faster than the previous one. I was once told that there is a ratio for time, which is... This ratio is changing EVERY DAY! For example, when we are one year old, one year probably feels like exactly that- a full, long year. Do you remember wat