Psych Bytes

Virtual Happy Hours: An Extrovert’s Happy Place or Worst Nightmare?



Virtual Happy Hours via Zoom, Google Hangouts, or any other online meetup space is too enticing for an extrovert to pass up. It’s everything you’ve been wanting after being cooped up in your home. Cooped up either all by yourself, with a partner who you love, but in recent weeks, have seen waaaaaaay too much of, or with children you’ve been “homeschooling”. I emphasize the quotation marks in “homeschooling”...because some days, I just can’t. I mean, on my most busy work-from-home days, I still manage to become my child’s teacher, cafeteria chef, and physical education coach. After “work hours”, I’m back on duty with dinner, family time, and next day prep. By the end of the day, I’m ready for a hardy spirit. If you’re anything like me: trying to find balance in this new normal or just trying to cope during these uncertain times, I know you’ve had a drink at home more than a couple of nights. (Picture me tilting my head, pursing my lips, and giving you the side-eye.) But that can’t compare