Living An Inspired Life

#39: Everyone is Your Client



In this highly interconnected world of social media, how do you differentiate between who your client is and who a prospect is? Of course there are stages such as prospect and client, but I have found that it helps to think of everybody as a client. When you think of everyone as a client, you have no issues with helping everyone. You give generously, and people feel your sincerity and warmth, even if they are your client that is consuming your free products. For business success, I strongly recommend treating everybody as if they were a paying customer. Because someday they might be, might as well get used to treating them that way now, and they will also get used to being treated that way by you which will make the transition to becoming a paying customer easier. Chris Janke-Bueno is a personal trainer and business owner. He owns My Core Balance personal training and fitness studio in San Jose, California. For more information on our programs, visit Thanks f