Dregs Of Craigs

S1E58 -DoC #58: Yeah! Fries!



Sorry for the late episode. This one was recorded a while back in preparation for vacations that never happened, for obvious reasons. We plan on releasing episodes on the regular schedule but we don't know what form those episodes will take. With that out of the way, on to the goofy bit! This, the 58th episode of Dregs of Craigs, we discuss the greatest phrase unleashed on a post, a legendary pot band, and a piece of Phoenix wisdom! YEAH! FRIES! Find out more at https://dregs-of-craigs.pinecast.co Send us your feedback online: https://pinecast.com/feedback/dregs-of-craigs/d4d9a524-1c44-4411-96fa-3c20daabbfd5 This podcast is powered by Pinecast.