Vibe Tribe Radio

Episode 35: Awareness of your patterns, limiting beliefs and stories and turning that around.



Well guys its been a hot minute since I did and episode and really I wanted to jump on and talk a bit about what has been revisiting me over and over the last few days. I wanted to get on and chat about our stories and patterns and the way we sabotage and how to start to turn that around.  I have had clients, personal experiences and this crop up a few times in the last few days so i thought I best chat on it.  I added this to my season one episodes because season two is all around mindfulness. I am not sure where this will come up in the feed but I suppose we will soon see.  If you need to chat to me about anything that comes up for you, If you are looking to find solutions or need some guidance on todays topic just reach out and find me at any of the links below.  Facebook Instagram Instagram Instagram Website ww