Daily Devotionals

#134 Just Do It (with 5/7/18 Blog Post)



I think by now, most of us have heard the phrase, "just do it." Well, how many of us have overthought things so much that we ended up not doing it? I have. I'm just getting to the point in my life where I'm thinking new-level thinking and doing new-level things. And if creative and innovative things in life have to be done, why can't it be you to do them? Why can't it be I? It can be us, because anything is possible for those who believe, Jesus said in Mark 9:23. Do you believe you can just do what you were called to do? It starts with belief. Blog: insharonsheart.blogspot.com/ facebook.com/InSharonsHeart/ instagram.com/insharonsheart/ twitter.com/insharonsheart