Saturday Night Side Eye

E85 - "Who'd You Reckon's Fitter, God Or The Devil?"



The Saturday Night Side Eye is a fun, refreshing and comedic outlook on everyday life in the form of a weekly podcast. It's real and relatable! Tweet along and get involved with the episode #SNSE HOT TOPICS - Round Up – The Boys are BACK! New year, new decade... and Bally is off social media! Mike is back in the gym... we also discuss spoilers of tv shows and the documentary everyone is talking about Don’t F*ck with Cats Saturday Night Stupidity - We’ve all done it, pulled a sicky and just stayed home watching movies eating snacks... but have you ever been out and about and been stupid enough to draw attention to yourself?! The boys discuss their new year plans but go way off topic and as always... discuss some rather rude things! Hit us up on the below to get involved Email - ( Twitter - @thesnse Instagram - @saturdaynightsideeye