Bleeding Ink

[Maggie Langrick] In which we get the best of both worlds



I interviewed Maggie so that she could enlighten us on the mystical topic of “hybrid publishing.” What you’ll get in this episode of Bleeding Ink is a better understanding of what traditional publishers provide their authors—and if you are willing to put your own skin in the game, how to obviate your need of a large publisher, and how to keep your royalties and rights (at a much greater upfront cost). It’s a fascinating approach—though the cost might dissuade some right off the bat (we are talking $30k from idea to book) and it will push you toward traditional publishing (because you don’t have the budget) or it will make you scream for joy since you can essentially skip the gatekeepers without sacrificing quality. Bear with me. Maggie and LifeTree provide authors a team of seasoned professionals that are as good as, if not better than, what a new author would receive at from a Big Five contrract. This is it: the start of the Big Five model’s dissolution. In its stead will rise a new medium that enables and