Saturday Night Side Eye

E84 - End Of Year Special 2019



The Saturday Night Side Eye is a fun, refreshing and comedic outlook on everyday life in the form of a weekly podcast. It's real and relatable! Tweet along and get involved with the episode #SNSE HOT TOPICS - Round Up – What day is it? Where are we?  What is going on?! The boys are back after the week of Xmas and here to waffle on about absolute nonsense for the final show of 2019... and the decade!  Saturday Night Stupidity - Imagine winning the lottery, quitting your job with your whole chest.... and realising you only won £4,000. Ouch! New Year.... Lets discuss our year. Depressive as it was, we also highlight on some highs!  Hit us up on the below to get involved and see you in 2020!!  HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Email - ( Twitter - @thesnse Instagram - @saturdaynightsideeye