33% Pulp

The Infinitive Of Go Part 2: Genitalia And Existential Crises



Mike recaps the second third of John Brunner's scifi novel, The Infinitive Of Go. In it, we learn Justin and Cinnamon's relationship is totes normal, the true sign of benevolence is a goatee, and world peace can be achieved with pancakes.   — Goodreads summary of the book: CODE NAME POSTER The first practical matter transmitter was a success, or so everyone thought. In spite of paranoid security restrictions, Justin Williams and Cinnamon Wright, co-inventors of the device, counted on it to revolutionize civilization and gain them an honored place in history. But the first long-distance field test with a human being—a diplomatic courier carrying a vital message—somehow misfired when the courier killed himself on arrival at his destination. To prove his faith in his invention—and to escape charges of sabotage—Justin had himself "posted" thousands of miles. He came through unchanged. It was the world that was somehow different... — Support the show: Thanks to our sponsor, Audible, for giving our listeners a fr