The Founder To Founder Podcast

#36: Why Writing Each Week Makes All The Difference



There was never a time early in life when I enjoyed writing. As I learned to write at school, it always seemed more a skill to acquire and less a craft to enjoy and master.Of course, I wrote assignments at school, at college and graduate school and then internal reports at banks and pitch documents for ventures. I struggled with writing and the irony is that I don’t recall a time when I was inspired to become a great writer or even just a better writer.In hindsight, the reason I wasn’t enjoying writing, and by extension not practising to improve, was because I wasn’t doing it for me.I was writing for someone who would award me a grade, pay me a bonus or invest in a venture.That changed in 2008 when at 30 I discovered blogging and wrote my first post.Writing became a weekly habit in 2014 when I started my second venture with a vision and very little domain expertise (former soldier, medical science undergrad, MBA launching an audio recognition business).I took inspiration from Fred Wilson, who often refers to