The Founder To Founder Podcast

#38: The Paid Auditions Playbook



Paid auditions are just that, opportunities to work with someone before you tie the knot and become employee and employer.And there are three reasons why you should them.The first is that no matter how confident you are in your ability to hire, no matter the process you use, the only way to understand technical competence and ‘fit’ is to work with that person. By extension, if you don’t use a paid audition, you significantly increase the risk to your company. Hiring the wrong person can bring your company to the brink of collapse. Most founders have a story like this to recount. I know I do.The second reason is that the risk in hiring isn’t just on the company side. It’s also on the candidate side. There is a growing acceptance that the pitch (from an employer) rarely correlates with the reality once on the inside.Candidates know this.They’re more reluctant than ever, at least for startups, to leave a safe job behind in exchange for this risk of a new venture working out. It makes sense that there be an oppor