Saturday Night Side Eye

E64 - "All Fats, All Fems... Yes, Yes, Yes"



Saturday Night Side Eye Podcast A fun, refreshing and comedic outlook on everyday life; It's real and relatable!  ----------------------- Tweet along with #SNSE ----------------------- HOT TOPICS - Round Up – Before they get into the main topics Mike & Bally talk about their weeks, school orchestras, wanting to join a choir and Mike makes a retraction from last week. Saturday Night Stupidity - Tune in to find out the stupidest story of the week!! Careful where you let one off! Mike and Bally discuss the Chris Brown drama this week. 'Only wanna f*ck the black bitches with the nice hair', is this lyric offensive? They also begin to discuss racial preference when it comes to dating. Is it racist to have a preference? Hit us up on the below to get involved! email -  Twitter - @thesnse Instagram - @saturdaynightsideeye