Abstract Culture

MARV UP / PT 2 /



In today's episode we discuss resume building, engineers moving the world further, and more engineering stuff. Quincy then gives us more insight into PC gaming and EDM. We then dive into what we're watching and listening to. Lastly, we discuss Kanye and his new album. Stay tuned in because you don't want to miss a second of it. CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE: theofficialabstractculture.com WE ON INSTAGRAM, FOLLOW US @abstractculturepod CHECK US OUT ON TWITTER FOLLOW US Abstract Culture: @AbClture Uzo: @vince_maples Jessica: @livelyjessica1 Junior @Ron_Carter GUEST STAR: Quincy @asvpxike Tweet us with #yoAC on twitter. Specifically, #yoACjess #yoACuzo, #yoACjr