

In February of 2009 social media gave birth to one of its most powerful, influential tools. o Since Facebook introduced the "Like" button, it has been used more than 1.13 trillion times (Twitter beat the like button by a few years with its favorite button) o That little like button has an almost direct link into our brains. o When your post gets more likes than normal you get a little rush? There is a reason for that. Dopamine. o For every thumbs up or heart we get a little psychological high through a shot of dopamine. The more likes the more shots. The more shots we have, the more shots we want. And we're in a loop. o Scientists used to think dopamine was responsible for pleasure in the brain, but we now know that rather than create pleasure it makes us seek it. The social media "like"triggers a reward cycle. The more you get it, the more you want it. A recent study confirmed the same brain circuits that are activated by eating cho