Latin American Perspectives

Pink-Tide Governments: Pragmatic and Populist Responses to Challenges from the Right



Title: Pink-Tide Governments: Pragmatic and Populist Responses to Challenges from the Right Issue #: 224 | Volume #: 46 | Number #: 1 Date: January 2019 Interviewer: Alexander Scott Interviewees: Steve Ellner Short Description: This issue sheds light on positive and negatives sides of progressive or “Pink Tide” governments which it places in political and economic contexts, specifically destabilizing efforts by a “disloyal opposition” and disinvestment by the private sector. The issue looks at the ways the government reacted to these challenges by making concessions and carrying out policies that in the long run undermined economic and political stability and the achievement of stated goals. Along these lines, Pink Tide governments implemented pragmatic strategies to win over or neutralize the business class and populist initiatives to meet the short-term needs of the popular sectors.