Daily Discovery with DJ Hapa

Jay Hype is Not Emotionally Available



It’s now 2018, still riding with the support of close friends Kanye, Virgil, IBN Jasper, Jaden Smith etc Jay Hype is clearly here to stay. Let’s begin with the obvious: Jay Hype is who you need to know, what you need to breathe, and who you need to be following as she releases her debut EP, NEA, through Kolbat. “NEA” is an acronym for “Not Emotionally Available”, a mood this rapper wears quite well.  Before then, you may have not known much about Jay Hype, but this year the 20 year old is on a mission to claim 2018 as her own as she gears up for the re-release of NEA.  With this EP, Hype delivers an assortment of unforgettable tracks, combining the pulsating sounds of EDM, and groundbreaking aura of Hip-Hop as she describes navigating through the trials and tribulations of life, drugs, women, and newfound fame.  NEA starts with a brisk awakening “Lost” then follows through with a melodic ballot “Lines”; capturing her urge to be the “best out”; ending with “People”—a cocky, yet rebellious track where the she