Watch Me, I Am

Episode 7 - Parveen, The Spice Queen, shares her ‘Recipe for Success!’



We were very privileged to spend several hours with Parveen Ashraf talking everything business, strategy, resilience, persistence, tenacity and strength and swap cooking tips and enjoy some delicious cake, all wrapped up with lots laughter and a sprinkling of tears. In fact, Parveen had so much wisdom to share that she very kindly gave us two interviews. In this second part of our interview with Parveen we asked her to share her top tips, habits, self-care, or as we lovingly referred to it Parveen’s Recipe for Success! She told us all about her 3 P’s principles to success, you’ll have to listen in to find out what they are! Parveen has incorporated some habits that are now her non-negotiables and enabled her to keep going when times have been tough, the things that she knows helped her to succeed to where she is today and that ensure her mindset, mental wellbeing and physical health are looked after. Taking care of herself, as she explained, is one of the most important and definitely non-negotiables to ensur
