Words With Kb

May QnA feat. Eldredge



On this episode we tackle the questions, “Would you let your friend know if they were being cheated on?”, “How do we feel about interracial dating?”, “What it means if a guy has a male roommate?”, and many more (Full list below).  Tune in and tag us on social media to let us know what you think (IG: WordsWithKBPodcast Twitter: WordsWithKBPod FB Group: Words With KB Podcast) This is the monthly Questions and Answer segment of the podcast that we answer any questions the listeners may have.  June QnA is now live so click the link (www.thelifeofkb.com/QnA) to submit your questions now.   Interracial dating – thumbs up or thumbs down? – Do women care about a man’s body count? Do they care if it’s too high or perhaps too low? Which would women choose if they had the option? – TrevorWhat has been your favorite moment from the podcast so far? – Amaris1 thing you feel you’ve learned from doing the podcast? – AmarisIf a guy tells you he live