
035 – Labour epidural analgesia regimens discussed – Nolan McDonnell



Hi Everyone, This week we have the audio from another great talk given at our departmental meeting by our colleague Assoc Prof Nolan McDonnell on labour epidural analgesia. This talk was originally given at the Obstetric Anaesthesia special interest group meeting held in Sydney in early May. Nolan discusses many important aspects of the physiology and pharmacology of labour pain, and the history of how the regimen we use in our institution has evolved over the last decade. The second part of the talk centres around the evidence for what is the best epidural analgesia regimen to use in labour and what might the future hold? Thanks again Nolan! For those who would like to view this as a video with the powerpoint slides you can do so here: Video recording - Labour epidural analgesia regimens Nolan Mcdonnell.