
049 – FOAMed and podcasting with Dr Casey Parker



Hi Everyone, This week I had the privilege to sit down and chat with Dr Casey Parker (or is that Paraka? - apologies a little inside joke ). Casey works up in Broome as a GP anaesthetist, in emergency medicine, the HDU, is an enthusiast for point of care ultrasound and is involved in FOAMed and a huge number of other educational initiatives. Casey has had his own very successful website / podcast / blog (www.broomedocs.com) for over 7 years and he was one of the original people who encouraged me a few years ago. This week I sat down and quizzed him about his own journey in the FOAMed world, what he has learnt along the way, what his favourite podcasts are and if he has any advice for people out there who are also interested in getting involved. Thanks for sitting down and sharing your wisdom Casey! FOAMed Blogs / podcasts mentioned in our discussion https://emcrit.org/ http://accrac.com/ www.topmedtalk.com Home Other Links https://www.nosuchthingasafish.com/ www.hamishandandy.