Psych Bytes

March Family Madness: Taking “Your Team” All The Way



What does it mean to be a family? Some exclude families to only parents and blood relatives. Others define families as people who you genuinely love, trust, and care about. In this episode of the Psych Bytes Podcast, Craig Pohlman, Ph.D., and Jennifer Fights, LPC, share their thoughts and definitions on the term "family" and share practical tips on how you can overcome challenges and obstacles that many "families" face. How do you define family? In honor of March Madness, we created a "March Family Madness" bracket. Each conference is sorted by "a type" of family, those types being: Animated Families, Sitcom Families, Reality TV Families, and Chosen Families. Make your selections below based on YOUR definition of family. Don't forget to share your results and let us know why you selected your champion family. Note: If you cannot see the bracket below, click on this link. var eventMethod = window.addEventListener ? "addEventListener" : "attachEvent"; var messageEvent = eventMethod