Psych Bytes

ABCs of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy



Hi everyone! I'm Leia Charnin, a counseling psychologist here at Southeast Psych, and I'm going to be talking to you today about psychology. I know, shocking! When clients come into the office they're often times questioning about different ways of working in therapy and these questions can come up about what different methods of therapy are. For example, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), acceptance commitment therapy (ACT); all these different terms that we throw around within our field. I'm a therapist who does both individual and group therapy and I focus on issues related to anxiety, depression, and trauma. Within those domains, there's a lot of acronyms that we tend to throw around that may confuse people. With that being said, Psych Bytes decided to create a series called “The ABCs of Psychology.” Our goal with this series is to create a more conversational dialogue about the different modalities of therapy so you are more informed and aware. I'm