Psych Bytes

Tribalism and Groupthink: Unite for the Right Reasons



Tribalism and Groupthink: Unite for the Right Reasons In this episode of the Psych Bytes podcast, Craig Pohlman, Ph.D., and Jennifer Fights, LPC, are discussing tribalism and groupthink. They explain how and why we divide ourselves along political and cultural fault lines. Tribalism can be a real problem. So, how can we recognize our own tribalism and put an end to this phenomenon? Here are our 8 tips to put an end to tribalism: 8 Ways to Put an End to Tribalism: Ask yourself what makes you an individual. What makes you special? What makes you unique? Remember, you ARE different from others in your "tribe" Embrace a level of skepticism. Be willing to question your own beliefs and consider the beliefs of others. Maybe you're wrong. Maybe the other tribe is wrong. Who knows, you might both be right and you might both be wrong! Be skeptical! Expose yourself to contradictory ideas. There are many different views, ideas, and beliefs in the world. Expose yourself to different viewpoints. Pr