Adventurous Faith: Life To The Full

SUP | Chapter 12: Stop Hustling. Start Trusting



I've never once claimed to be a businessman. I didn't get an MBA or go to business school. I'm following this path because I believe God has called me to it. I know for a lot of people listening or reading, that reason isn't good enough, and that's OK. I'm learning I'm not going to please everyone. One of the more backward practices God has been teaching me is to stop hustling and start trusting. STOP HUSTLING. START TRUSTING Just yesterday I hit this feeling of being overwhelmed after a day full of work. For whatever reason, my heart just seemed to not get over it. I even remember thinking - now would be a good time to take a break, go for a walk and just hand this over to God. But I didn't. I chose to try and beat my feeling with more work. I just kept hustling. It's the most backward thing in the world, but God has weighed on me recently to trust him more for work I cannot do. I'm a seven on the Enneagram - which means I long for and strive for more. Sound like me? Oh yeah - it's me to a T. Through this le