Adventurous Faith: Life To The Full

#023: Walk On: An Unlikely Story of Football, Purpose & Following an Amazing God w/ Ben Malcolmson



Many of us believe our lives are just a series of random events that have little meaning. We live it out day by day, walking aimlessly. And yet, in the back of our hearts and minds remains this ever quiet voice saying "What if there is more? There has to be more to life than this. What on earth am I here for?" It's this voice of longing and purpose that keeps us moving. What if you weren't here on accident? What if you were here very much on purpose? God created us with great intention and hard focused purpose. Nothing was by accident. You and I were created by God with great intentionality and hard focused purpose. Our lives begin to take shape when we not only learn these truths about our lives but surrender to them every single day. YOU HAVE A GREAT PURPOSE My guest on today's episode of Adventurous Faith understands the meaning of purpose. How can I say that? Because he has spent almost his entire life watching God map it out for him in an incredible story that only God could write. Ben Malcolmson is the