Adventurous Faith: Life To The Full

#024: Story Session: Learning to Thrive Through Persecution & Anxiety



God shapes our lives from the very beginning.  He wrote our names, purpose, plan, and story before our parents even knew our names. The story God is writing of our lives shapes us every day. On today's episode of Adventurous Faith, I sit down with a friend of mine who shares about his most recent battle with fear, persecution, and anxiety. Due to the sensitive nature of what my friend does and where he serves, you won't hear his name or location as he serves in a very difficult country. You will only hear his story. The passion in his heart will move you. ANXIETY IS A REAL THING Anxiety is a topic that comes up more and more.  More young people suffer from a form of fear, anxiety or even depression than at any other time in history. This battle crosses across all ages, backgrounds, and stories - forcing us to live lives we weren't created for. In my conversation with my friend, he tells the story of a recent story from his own life in which persecution came flooding in. From his experience, fear and anxiety b