Adventurous Faith: Life To The Full

SUP | Chapter 14: Crawl. Walk. Run.



Last week I Interviewed John Eldredge, author of Wild at Heart for the Adventurous Faith podcast. His interview will go live on October 24th. It's an episode that you won't want to miss. I believe every man on the planet needs to listen to this episode. If time allows, I like to chat with my guests after the show. I like to get their wisdom on life or share more about what I am doing with Adventurous Faith. John had time available and was willing to chat with me. I asked him one very specific question: "If you could go back and tell 35yr old John wisdom on how to run this business and ministry, what would you share with him?" He wasn't short on advice. For the next couple of episodes of my start-up story, I want to share with you what John told me. There were two thoughts he gave to me and this young business. The first was this: CRAWL. WALK. RUN It didn't take me long to realize what he was talking about. He was telling me the speed at which I should be going. I am a go-getter. I'm not afraid to grow quickly