Ai: Irl

4. Why Natural Language Design Is the First Step to Make an Effective Chatbot w/ Hans van Dam



People are starting to realize how big a problem poor AI and chatbot design is. The end results companies design is often a terrible user experience. There’s a lack of understanding natural language design. Everyone stands to gain from chatbots that can control conversations and solve problems all while keeping the user engaged and feeling great about the interaction. This is where Hans van Dam’s expertise comes in. Hans is the managing director of Robocopy and founder of The Conversational Academy. His company is changing the way AI interacts with customers by putting first thing first: natural language design. And The Conversational Academy exists to train designers in this skill. Whether you’re a UX designer, a copywriter, or a product owner, this episode’s for you. This post is based on a podcast with Hans van Dam from Robocopy. To hear this episode, and many more like it, you can subscribe to AI: In Real Life. If you don’t use iTunes, you can find all the episodes here.