Fish Out Of Agua With Michele Carlo

The serialization of “Fish Out Of Agua” with Michele Carlo—Ep. 11



Episode 11 of the serialization of Michele Carlo's book "Fish Out Of Agua." Includes Chapter 20: "My Fundillo," Chapter 21: "Semilla Mala (Bad Seed)" and Chapter 22: "Spanish on Sunday, Part 4: El Cuco, La Chupa Cabra y La Baina (The Bogeyman, The Bloodsucker and The Whatchamacallit." Guest Artist: Storyteller/Educator/Theater Artist, Marilyn Torres. #nuyoricanstories #redheadedpuertorican #newyorkcity #1970s #family #teenagers #storytelling #radiofreebrooklyn #fishoutofagua #michelecarlo