Fish Out Of Agua With Michele Carlo

The serialization of “Fish Out Of Agua” with Michele Carlo—Ep. 18



Episode 18 of the serialization of Michele Carlo's book "Fish Out Of Agua." Includes Chapter 36: "She Looks Like Manhattan" and Chapter 37: "Contraband." Featuring Guest Artist: Marc Abbott. I call this the "You can't go back to the playground again" episode. With music from The Eurythmics, Pink Floyd, Love & Rockets, The Four Tops, Oingo Boing and Ray Charles. #nuyoricanfamily #nuyoricanstories #redheadedpuertorican #newyorkcitystories #bronxstories #1983 #1984 #stpeterspark #theschoolofvisualarts #eastvillage #tribeca #soho #stmarksplace #theater80 #artgalleries #artschool #marilynmonroe #playboymagazine #centerfolds #1984mets #sevenyearitch #storytelling #radiofreebrooklyn #fishoutofagua #michelecarlo #marcabbott #youcantgohomeagain