Fish Out Of Agua With Michele Carlo

Ep. 39: "Fish Out Of Agua with Michele Carlo" —feat. Alex deSuze



The "I Am Human" episode, where singer, storyteller, musician—and mom Alex deSuze tawks about the politics of passing, the art in your heart...and what it means to be a "Single WHAT? Female." With tunes from #Bananarama, #DionneFarris #ATribeCalledQuest and #Bjork, and shoutouts to Eric Vetter, No Name presents: The Uptown Cabaret and the Emerson Ensemble: Cyndi Freeman, Scott Stiffler and DJ Hazard: Man of Hazardium. #artistsofcolor #artistsIknow #womenartists #livingartists #supportlivingartists #whywemakeart #whywematter #2017 #AlexdeSuze #singleWHATfemale #storytelling #radiofreebrooklyn #fishoutofagua #MicheleCarlo