Real Estate Investment With Colin Murphy

Torcana Podcast 33: 5 Important Steps to Get to Financial Freedom



The theme of today's show is the five important steps to get to financial freedom. One way or another, I think we all aspire to have financial freedom. That means different things to different people, but for most of us, it means having enough money arriving in your bank account each month to cover your bills and responsibilities whether you're actually working or not. Financially free people can retire whenever they want, but most keep working on stuff they love doing. I think that's a place we would all like to be right? 1. You need a good team You can't get rich on your own. If you did, then you a) you must be brilliant and b) you could have done it a lot quicker with some help. In order to build a real estate portfolio, particularly out of state, you need, in no particular order - property manager - lender - realtor - turnkey provider - bookkeeper & CPA - attorney - insurance agent - mentor / senior person to rely on If you're a property flipper like I am, did you need all of the above and several mor