#spiritchat By Jennifer O'neill

Negative Thinking Is Contagious!!!



What? You might think, "Who cares!" Well you should that's for sure. Did you know that around 70% of the population are pessimistic thinkers, that's just a fancy way of saying, negative thinkers! Did you know that negative thinking has a huge impact on your physically and spiritual health??? Did you also know that is has a HUGE impact on your money flow and your life path? Hmmm.....I bet the money part got your attention! Well it's true and I am tired of it and you should be too! Do you ever notice how you can be in a great mood and then someone else comes along and ruins your day because of their attitude? Then then next thing that you know your are ruining someone else's day? (Well you probably don't notice the last part). Well it happens and it happens a lot! Why should your care? Because all of this negative thinking will have an impact in your life and on your health, that is a fact! So what should you do about it? Join me for todays show and find out! www.mindcondomhats.com