#spiritchat By Jennifer O'neill

Crazy Effects of the Super Blue Blood Moon...



Did you know we are having a SUPERMOON, BLUE MOON, AND LUNAR ECLIPSE all this month? Talk about some powerful energy. It's gearing up, flowing, and manifesting with intensity.  This energy is really affecting me that's for sure. Because of that, I thought I'd share some things with you that you might want to be aware of. For instance there will be three main phases you will most likely notice. How long each one lasts will be different for each person. But you will notice these phases occurring anywhere from January 15th - February 15th. GEARING UP PHASE - This phase will affect you on an "emotional level".  FLOWING PHASE - This phase will affect your "physical space". Here are some things to watch for: MANIFESTATION PHASE - This phase will affect your "future outcome" and probabilities.  Join me on todays show as I talk about these phases in greater detail. :) ? OTHER (FREE) RESOURCES ? ??  Join My Spirit Community - Private FB Group (FREE) Ask for an invite here: http://pxlme.me/8K0IP73d ??  Guided M