#spiritchat By Jennifer O'neill

The Energetic Vibe of Colors...



Did you know colors speak to you? You can actually "feel" the energy of a color. This is important when choosing what to wear for the day! Learning how to “feel” the energy of the color of an item before you put it on is very important, especially if you are at all sensitive. Because the color you are “drawn” to is usually a color that will help to bring you “balance” that day. Many times, that color will align with a specific chakra. Find out more on todays podcast. SPIRITUAL GURU BOX (Available Now!)  https://spiritualgurubox.com/ Join My Spirit Community: Private FB Group (FREE) Ask for an invite here: http://pxlme.me/8K0IP73d Guided Meditation (FREE): Downloaded over 10,000+ times! http://keystothespiritworld.com/chimeditation Empath & Psychic Ability Quiz: http://keystothespiritworld.com Psychic Ability Class: https://www.psychicabilityclass.com Mentorship Circle (group mentorship class): https://www.mentorshipcircle.com/mentorship-member-sales-page/ My Website: http://keystothespiritworld.com