#spiritchat By Jennifer O'neill

JULY ENERGY FORECAST - 5 Planets In Retrograde



JULY ENERGY FORECAST: Right now the energy is "extra intense" thanks to 5 planets being in retrograde at the same time. This is affecting a lot of people, especially those who are sensitive to energies. People are experiencing things they've never experienced before, or haven't in a very long time. Things such as: Major anxiety or panic attacks. Depression.Health issues or fear of health issues.Loss of motivation. If you are sensitive, or newly sensitive, this is probably something you are experiencing right now. Join me on todays show as I talk about this and more... SPIRITUAL GURU BOX (Available Now!)  https://spiritualgurubox.com/ Join My Spirit Community: Private FB Group (FREE) Ask for an invite here: http://pxlme.me/8K0IP73d Empath & Psychic Ability Quiz: http://keystothespiritworld.com Psychic Ability Class: https://www.psychicabilityclass.com Mentorship Circle (group mentorship class): https://www.mentorshipcircle.com/mentorship-member-sales-page/ My Website: http://keystothespiritworld.com